Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Welcome to the first of 'Bringing Our Country Home - 2006"

It starts here. It starts now. Electing Progressives is one of the driving purposes behind the creation and mission of this blog. Now it's time to act. I proudly bring you the first installment of 'Bring it Home 2006.' Why Bring it Home? Because at it's core, The United States of America is the greatest country there ever was. But we're failing to live up to our promise. Frequently a moderate country rooted in unprecedented ideals of freedom and liberty, we have moved so far right of center that America has lost its identity as 'the land of the free, and the home of the brave.' This takeover by radical Orwellian leaders has damaged our beautiful heritage, all it stands for, and those who believe in it's dream every day. We are under seige not just from foreign terrorists, but from a much more local and immediate threat inside the United States. The fundamentalist-led neo-conservative movement has waged war on the deeply seeded common sense, integral values and principles of our government. They have taken us to war, taught us to fear, and failed us in the protection of our rights and even our lives. Let's bring us back home.

Battle #1: CA-50 (Former Rep. Duke Cunningham's seat)

Gameplan: Following MoveOn.org

Dear MoveOn member,

In the next two weeks, we can elect a new progressive to Congress—and set the stage for winning back the House in November.

Rep. Duke Cunningham (R-Calif.) took huge bribes and went to jail. On April 11th, there's a special election to fill his seat and progressive Democrat Francine Busby has a great chance.

Will you make calls from home to voters in her district? If 10,000 of us call 30 voters each—only 2 hours of calling—we can help her win and hand Republicans their first defeat of 2006. Sign up to start calling tonight or tomorrow night:


If you can be on the phone (land line or cell) and on your computer at the same time, you've got what you need to make calls. Our website will give you voters to call and tell you what to say so you can get started in a few minutes.

Here's how most MoveOn members felt about our similar calling program in 2004:

"It was a remarkably easy way to get involved and feel like I was accomplishing something for a cause I felt strongly about."—Kathryn S., Congers, NY

The importance: This first decisive battle of this election season could provide the crucial momentum needed going forward into November if the Dems pick up this seat in a largely Republican district.

Read more about this fight:


Much more frequent updates as things are just getting started here. Check back often and soon for more on this battle and all the many battles to come.

Up Coming Events

Here is a list of things you should keep your eyes on:

Short term

  • Today: The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on Wartime Executive Powers and FISA. link
  • Today: The Senate will be be debating immigration reform. Expect to see drama as Majority Leader Frist juggles the immigration bill approved yesterday, which incorporated elements of McCain-Kennedy and strips out criminal provisions of the House bill.
  • Today: The Supreme Court will hear arguments in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. Audio will be available at CSPAN.
  • Today: Pres. Bush News Briefing in the Rose Garden At 10am ET
  • Wednesday: Jack Abramoff will be sentenced in Florida.
  • Wedneday: Full committee markup of S.2078, the "Indian Gaming Regulatory Act Amendments of 2005"; S.1899, the "Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act Amendments of 2005"; S.2245, the "Indian Youth Tele-Mental Health Demonstration Project Act."
    Location: 485 Russell Senate Office Building. 9:30 a.m. (March 29, 2006)
    Contact: 202-224-2251
  • Thursday: Full committee markup of S.2389, the "Protecting Consumer Phone Records Act." Location: 562 Dirksen Senate Office Building. 10 a.m. (March 30, 2006)
    Contact: 202-224-1251
  • Thursday: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is holding a hearing on "the hidden cost of oil." link
  • Friday: The Senate Judiciary Committee will examine Senator Feingold's censure resolution. link
  • The Daily Show: Fareed Zakaria on 3/28; Queen Latifah on 3/29; Sharon Stone on 3/30
  • The Colbert Report: ex-FEMA dir. Michael D. Brown on 3/28; Bruce Bartlett on 3/29; Robert Greenwald on 3/30
  • The View: Michael & Jodi Schiavo on 3/28

Long term:

April 10 New Jersey Filing day
April 30th Darfur Rally Washington DC