Wednesday, February 22, 2006

More Actions to help your Country

- The Wilderness Society, has a campaign to stop Bush from auctioning off public lands.

- MoveOn Civic Action, has this urgent heads up to stop AOL's pay-based e-mail takeover:
The very existence of online civic participation and the free Internet as we know it are under attack by America Online.

AOL recently announced what amounts to an "email tax." Under this pay-to-send system, large emailers willing to pay an "email tax" can bypass spam filters and get guaranteed access to people's inboxes—with their messages having a preferential high-priority designation.1

Charities, small businesses, civic organizing groups, and even families with mailing lists will inevitably be left with inferior Internet service unless they are willing to pay the "email tax" to AOL. We need to stop AOL immediately so other email hosts know that following AOL's lead would be a mistake. Sign Here

- As part of UPVoices' major initiative to be a part of the Progressive Takeover 2006 (details forthcoming) we are highlighting TrueMajority Action's fundraising campaign to support the best candidates for Congress in November:
Political experts on our side are telling us that we can take back the Congress in November.

A lot of us give to candidates and campaigns during the election season. But actually, the most strategic time for us to give is NOW, to give the best candidates the money they need to win in the primaries that are already beginning.

Donate to win in 2006.

We've been poring over lists of the Congressional candidates who support the core values of justice, compassion, and sustainability that TrueMajorityACTION PAC members share, looking for those who meet three criteria:

* Winnability. Let's not throw money at symbolic campaigns, when there are so many chances to really win this year.

* Out of Iraq. All our candidates must favor immediate withdrawal.

* Schools Not Bombs. Let's find candidates that support shifting wasteful Pentagon spending (e.g. on nuclear bombs or Star Wars missiles) to important stuff like rebuilding America's crumbling public schools or feeding starving kids in impoverished countries.

By donating to TrueMajorityACTION PAC, our donations can be pooled for a whole slate of great candidates. By putting our contributions together, we can show them that progressives like us have money to back up our political agenda.

Wouldn't it be great if we won? Let's all give now to make it happen.



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