Friday, February 10, 2006

Now is the time for action

One of the mainstay features of this blog will be to highlight major action items and initiatives sponsored by various progressive and liberal organizations. While discussion of topics and intelligent commentary will also be prevalent, words without action are useless. Our first major initiative will be an unprecedented campaign (in conjunction with other like-minded individuals and organizations) to take back Congress in this critical election year. Much more to come on that subject soon.

For now it's - ya snooze ya lose. Time to wake up and make a difference:

- The right wing still won't give up on 'marriage protection' Help out HRC by signing the Million for Marriage petition and download a free poster and AIM icon here

- The Wilderness Society informs that: The Bush Administration is now proposing to dramatically reduce protections for our parks, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation. Take Action

- Progressive Majority has the following: Through the Racial Justice Campaign Fund, we are building a new generation of leaders who fully represents America – and our work has become the national model for recruiting and coaching people of color to run for office. Currently, 55 of our 244 farm team candidates are people of color, and that number rises every day. Get Involved

- lends this: When coining the term the "military-industrial complex," President Eisenhower said that only an "alert and knowledgeable citizenry" can guard against it. "Why We Fight" is an important way to do just that, and our democracy depends upon it.
So, spread the word to your friends and go to the movies this Friday. Kick back and enjoy it, but be warned: you’ll probably get angry. We are. Let’s channel that energy into a positive movement. Find A Showing Near You

Much more on the way. Keep plugged in.


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