Gay Marriage in New Jersey
New Jersey's Supreme Court heard arguments today on the topic of Gay marriage. And the feeling is that they will rule to legalize it in New Jersey. Which is what most people in New Jersey think.
A Zogby poll of 802 residents finds that by a 56%-39% margin, New Jerseyans support gay marriage. (The poll had a margin of error of +/-3.5% not enough to change the results.) A similar poll conducted by Zogby in April of 2005 found similar support for gay marriage with 55% favoritng and 40% opposing. The change is well within the margin of error, but confirms the previous poll results.
A Zogby poll of 802 residents finds that by a 56%-39% margin, New Jerseyans support gay marriage. (The poll had a margin of error of +/-3.5% not enough to change the results.) A similar poll conducted by Zogby in April of 2005 found similar support for gay marriage with 55% favoritng and 40% opposing. The change is well within the margin of error, but confirms the previous poll results.
Feb 06 Apr 05
For 56% (55%)
Against 39% (40%)
The same poll found that 67% of New Jerseyans opposed a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
Which makes State Senator Gerald Cardinale attempt at banning gay marriage really dumb. He is going to be putting a state constitutional ammenment banning gay marriage on the next ballot he can, probably in May.
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