Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New features and rolling along...

Syndication feeds now up. You can now subscribe to this blog using the access features on the right hand side or by clicking the appropriate link below any of the posts. More features forthcoming as the blog grows and expands...

I'm significantly backlogged on the action side of this place so let's get things rolling once again:

- Attend a Constitution Vigil hosted by MoveOn.orgby Clicking Here

- The League of Conservation Voters has released their 2005 National Environmental Scorecard to show how elected officials voted on key environmental issues in each of the 50 states. You can check that out and also donate to support their vital work here

- TrueMajority offers the chance to join the Progressive Circus! Read it straight from the horse's mouth.
"Well, now we’re readying the 2006 fleet of three over-the-road rigs to bring entertaining and memorable renditions of our agenda to the public and media, and we need to hire a driver/operator/performer to hit the road May through October this year.

These work like no other communications channel we’ve worked with; and it’s gonna be a blast. Are you an energetic, engaging, committed, hip, together person looking to run away and join our progressive circus? If not, do you know someone who might be interested?" Here’s the job description.

- And BuyBlue.org issues the following report in trying to find 'progressive TV'
"In a world where FoxNews, the right wing's propaganda outlet, is one of the top channels and large news outlets like CNN are sometimes just as complicit in tossing softball questions and skipping over important issues you might have completely abandoned your TV instead relying on Internet news sources. There are a few progressive TV stations out there though. I don't mean progressive in the sense that they are the anti-FoxNews spouting their own brand of propaganda, I mean that they offer diverse perspectives we simply don't see anywhere else and they approach TV in innovative new ways.

The first channel you may have heard of because former Vice President Al Gore has had a large hand in bringing it to life. That channel is called Current TV (http://www.current.tv). The interesting thing about Current is the fact that regular viewers can submit segments (http://www.current.tv/about) that can be voted on and if they are popular enough they get aired. If you have dreams of someday producing TV or reporting the news this might be the place to get started, they even provide you with training videos on the subject.

I recently learned of the second channel called LinkTV (http://www.linktv.org) and I'm hooked. LinkTV presents an interesting combination of current affairs programming, world-class documentaries for the US and around the world, world music segments and the highly interesting news program called Mosaic. Mosaic is an English language translation of news broadcasts from more than 20 Middle Eastern countries, allowing us the rare opportunity to see world events through another culture's eyes. In addition to great programming LinkTV bucks about every rule of network TV - they are non-profit, there are no commercials and most programs are longer formats.

Current TV has a better funding situation and therefore you can find them on cable providers like Comcast and Time Warner (check their site for your area). You'll also find them on DirecTV on channel 366. LinkTV can be found on DirecTV 375 and DISH Network channel 9410 at the moment. Both channels stream a lot of their content online so you can watch from the Internet."


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